(Written 9-18-09)
We are getting ready to leave here in a couple of hours to start our journey home. It's gonna take us like 2 days to get there, but we are just excited to be on our way! Our bags our packed and we are outta here! The doc made sure that I would want to leave this morning...
Let me back up since it's been a couple of days since I have written. Two days ago the doctor decided to treat my kidneys, which consisted of numerous shots to my lower back and lower stomach area. He also wanted to clear some meridians, which involved shots from my pelvis to the top of my head. He then told me to close my eyes. If I have learned one thing during this whole trip, it's when a doctor says to close your eyes, you should really listen. Well, I didn't listen of course, and I came face to face with a 6 inch needle. I am not exagerrating. It was huge!! He continued to shove this six inch needle into my pelvis twice!! I have officially done it all. I had a steam bath that day too, massage, vitamin c iv, shots in the elbow, and inside the mouth....now that's a mouthful!!
Now, let's talk about today! Today is my last day here. I was greeted by the doctor this morning who asked me first thing, like he does before he starts every other day, if "you cry for me today?". I guess I am a big baby...but I have sucessfully been able to tell him no for the past week or so, but he got me today!! I got shots in the mouth, in the neck, all over my chest and back, in my scars again, and then he shoved one IN my belly button!! I ran out of his office today and I have never been more glad that I don't have to go back anytime soon! I just got my vitamin c IV that they turned up so fast so that I would be done in time to make it to the airport...that it froze me to death. Now I am just waiting to get my blood tested one last time and I gotta pack up my medicines and stuff so we can head out!
If this doesn't work, then nothing will! I have been poked and prodded everywhere it's possible! Tommy bought a cross here where Jesus is bruised and bleeding all over...and I looked at it and immediately thought of myself. I hate to compare my suffering to his, but I have suffered believe me. I think the end of this suffering is near, i know it is! God is good and I am healed!! Here's to a very long life!! Soon to be shot free...well at least the bad kind of shots!! (I don't think Tequila counts....)
Can't wait to see you soon! I love you and I will talk to you probably tomorrow when we get to Miami. If the flights are on time, we should have a 6 hour layover, so I will have plenty of time to make calls!
Love Debbie
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Secrets Your Dentist Doesn't Want You To Know
Secrets Your Dentist Doesn't Want You To Know
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The following is taken from the article written by Dr. Mercola, to read the entire article click on link above:
Think Twice Before Getting a Root Canal
Teeth are similar to other organ systems in your body in that they also require a blood supply, lymphatic and venous drainage, and nervous innervations. Root canals, however, are dead teeth, and these dead teeth typically become one of, if not the worst, sources of chronic bacterial toxicity in your body.
If your kidney, liver or any other organ in your body dies, it will have to be removed so that bacteria and necrosis will not set in and kill you … but teeth are commonly left dead in your body.
Teeth have roots with main canals and thousands of side canals, and contained in those side canals are miles of nerves. When dentists perform a root canal, they remove the nerve from the main canals, however they do not have access to the microscopic side canals, which have dead nerves left behind in those spaces.
Anaerobic bacteria, which do not require oxygen to survive, thrive in these side canals and excrete toxicity from digesting necrotic tissue that leads to chronic infection. Blood supply and lymphatics that surround those dead teeth drains this toxicity and allows it to spread throughout your body. This toxicity will invade all organ systems and can lead to a plethora of diseases such as autoimmune diseases, cancers, musculoskeletal diseases, irritable bowel diseases, and depression to name just a few.
Even antibiotics won’t help in these cases, because the bacteria are protected inside of your dead tooth.
It appears that the longer root canal-treated teeth stay in your body, the more your immune system becomes compromised.
Fluoride Won’t Keep Your Teeth Healthy Either
Fluoride is added to most U.S. water supplies and also is used as a treatment by some conventional dentists.
Once inside your body, fluoride destroys your enzymes by changing their shape. You may remember that your body depends on thousands of enzymes to perform various cell reactions, and without these enzymes, we would all die. They are able to perform their reactions because they have a specific shape that allows them to work with other elements in your body, like a lock and key.
Once fluoride destroys their shape, however, your body does not recognize the enzymes, and in fact will view them as foreign invaders and attempt to attack them.
When your enzymes are damaged, it can lead to collagen breakdown, eczema, tissue damage, skin wrinkling, genetic damage, and immune suppression.
All of these risks, and fluoride does not help to prevent cavities as you may have been led to believe.
Figures from the World Health Organization show the same declines in tooth decay that have been experienced in fluoridated countries since the 1960s have occurred equally in non-fluoridated countries.
In another study from 2004, pro-fluoridation dental researchers from the University of Aderlaide in South Australia were unable to demonstrate any difference in the permanent teeth between children who had lived all their lives drinking fluoridated water and those who had drunk rain or bottled water.
What does fluoride do to your teeth, then?
Well, it’s known that it interferes with the development of tooth enamel, a condition called “dental fluorosis.” Those in favor of fluoride like to say that fluorosis is a purely “cosmetic condition,” but rarely do symptoms appear for no reason.
In this case, the white spots that form on your teeth after consuming too much fluoride are likely a warning sign that other tissues are being impacted. Studies have shown, for instance, that children with severe dental fluorosis are more likely to have bone fractures.
The Environmental Working Group even reported a finding from a Harvard PhD thesis that showed boys exposed to fluoridated water when they were between the ages of 6 and 8 had a seven-fold increased risk of developing osteosarcoma, a form of frequently fatal bone cancer.
If you’re wondering how to keep your teeth healthy, remember that fluoride was never the answer in the first place. Instead, think back to the work of Dr. Price … and look to your diet for naturally healthy teeth. Most people whose diet includes very little sugar and few processed foods have very low rates of tooth decay and cavities.
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The following is taken from the article written by Dr. Mercola, to read the entire article click on link above:
Think Twice Before Getting a Root Canal
Teeth are similar to other organ systems in your body in that they also require a blood supply, lymphatic and venous drainage, and nervous innervations. Root canals, however, are dead teeth, and these dead teeth typically become one of, if not the worst, sources of chronic bacterial toxicity in your body.
If your kidney, liver or any other organ in your body dies, it will have to be removed so that bacteria and necrosis will not set in and kill you … but teeth are commonly left dead in your body.
Teeth have roots with main canals and thousands of side canals, and contained in those side canals are miles of nerves. When dentists perform a root canal, they remove the nerve from the main canals, however they do not have access to the microscopic side canals, which have dead nerves left behind in those spaces.
Anaerobic bacteria, which do not require oxygen to survive, thrive in these side canals and excrete toxicity from digesting necrotic tissue that leads to chronic infection. Blood supply and lymphatics that surround those dead teeth drains this toxicity and allows it to spread throughout your body. This toxicity will invade all organ systems and can lead to a plethora of diseases such as autoimmune diseases, cancers, musculoskeletal diseases, irritable bowel diseases, and depression to name just a few.
Even antibiotics won’t help in these cases, because the bacteria are protected inside of your dead tooth.
It appears that the longer root canal-treated teeth stay in your body, the more your immune system becomes compromised.
Fluoride Won’t Keep Your Teeth Healthy Either
Fluoride is added to most U.S. water supplies and also is used as a treatment by some conventional dentists.
Once inside your body, fluoride destroys your enzymes by changing their shape. You may remember that your body depends on thousands of enzymes to perform various cell reactions, and without these enzymes, we would all die. They are able to perform their reactions because they have a specific shape that allows them to work with other elements in your body, like a lock and key.
Once fluoride destroys their shape, however, your body does not recognize the enzymes, and in fact will view them as foreign invaders and attempt to attack them.
When your enzymes are damaged, it can lead to collagen breakdown, eczema, tissue damage, skin wrinkling, genetic damage, and immune suppression.
All of these risks, and fluoride does not help to prevent cavities as you may have been led to believe.
Figures from the World Health Organization show the same declines in tooth decay that have been experienced in fluoridated countries since the 1960s have occurred equally in non-fluoridated countries.
In another study from 2004, pro-fluoridation dental researchers from the University of Aderlaide in South Australia were unable to demonstrate any difference in the permanent teeth between children who had lived all their lives drinking fluoridated water and those who had drunk rain or bottled water.
What does fluoride do to your teeth, then?
Well, it’s known that it interferes with the development of tooth enamel, a condition called “dental fluorosis.” Those in favor of fluoride like to say that fluorosis is a purely “cosmetic condition,” but rarely do symptoms appear for no reason.
In this case, the white spots that form on your teeth after consuming too much fluoride are likely a warning sign that other tissues are being impacted. Studies have shown, for instance, that children with severe dental fluorosis are more likely to have bone fractures.
The Environmental Working Group even reported a finding from a Harvard PhD thesis that showed boys exposed to fluoridated water when they were between the ages of 6 and 8 had a seven-fold increased risk of developing osteosarcoma, a form of frequently fatal bone cancer.
If you’re wondering how to keep your teeth healthy, remember that fluoride was never the answer in the first place. Instead, think back to the work of Dr. Price … and look to your diet for naturally healthy teeth. Most people whose diet includes very little sugar and few processed foods have very low rates of tooth decay and cavities.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Coming home...
I am coming home!!!!!!! I just had a meeting with Dr. Dowling about a long term plan that I can do at home...my blood is improving...and he said I can come home on Saturday as long as I get the dental work taken care of right away and stay on my treatments!! I'll take it! I will be at the Jax airport on Saturday night at 10:20 (supposedly) if the planes not late!! I am so excited!! I will see you all soon and I love you!!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Blood is looking better...
I had my blood work redone yesterday! He takes some blood from my finger and looks at it under a microscope. The live blood sample showed that the background serum is much cleaner...I have a lot of good white fighter cells...and there were tiny little shiny pieces floating in it. The shiny pieces are uric acid, which is released by tumors. So...it can be assumed that if this uric acid is in my blood, that tumors are breaking down! Also...the dried blood showed a lot less white and more red...which means less evidence of cancer! Yeah! Amen! Alleluiah!! It looks like it's working! Although this place seems like a bad episode of Fear Factor...they do know what they're doing! I am so excited about this part of course!! I can even deal with rest for this! I am so excited to come home, but I ain't coming back till I am sure the cancer is gone or will be!!
Food is still an issue for us! The weight loss is up to 8 lbs. today! I guess this could be considered a bonus...if I wasn't so dang hungry! I do love to eat! I will offer it up though! Other tidbits...the toilet in our bathroom keeps overflowing (very, very inconvenient!!), the room smells like smoke, the beds are the hardest beds I have ever slept in, the eggs we eat every morning are kept on the counter in the kitchen all the time!!, I am out of clean underwear, and I have a jar of peanut butter that I hide in my purse afraid of when I'll get food next!!!
I love you and miss you all so much I can taste it!! I can't wait to see you! Thanks again for all you have done! I will talk to you soon!
Love Debbie
Food is still an issue for us! The weight loss is up to 8 lbs. today! I guess this could be considered a bonus...if I wasn't so dang hungry! I do love to eat! I will offer it up though! Other tidbits...the toilet in our bathroom keeps overflowing (very, very inconvenient!!), the room smells like smoke, the beds are the hardest beds I have ever slept in, the eggs we eat every morning are kept on the counter in the kitchen all the time!!, I am out of clean underwear, and I have a jar of peanut butter that I hide in my purse afraid of when I'll get food next!!!
I love you and miss you all so much I can taste it!! I can't wait to see you! Thanks again for all you have done! I will talk to you soon!
Love Debbie
Monday, September 14, 2009
Survivor: Ecuador - Day 9,578...
Well, welcome to the latest edition of Survivor: Ecuador. It is day 9 or 9,578...I am not sure. I was trying to keep count with bread crumbs but I had to eat them. The hunger situation is reaching dire straights here. The food is just so weird...and it's hard to communicate to anyone what we want to eat, or to tell a taxi driver where to go! The weight loss since getting here is up to 7 lbs. We are just sticking with what we know though...I am sure we will make it through. I had a drip shower today...not a treatment, just a sorry shower at the hotel! Anyways, enough with the complaining...
Today is my 7th day of treatments. I had my sauna first thing this morning. I was able to stay in for 30 minutes, which was pretty good. Trying to sweat out the cheese from the pizza hut we ate last night...it was something we recognized!! Then I had my massages, and now I am getting my Vitamin C iv. I had my shot in the elbow already and I will probably be getting shots in the mouth and neck later. Fun, fun, fun!! We are killing cancer with a vengeance...and I am excited! This is working...I am healing!!
I wound up not going to the dentist...she was not using anesthetic or a plastic dam to remove the metal in our teeth. I didn't think that sounded right and I am not going!! It looks like I will be able to do my dental work at home, which makes me much more comfortable. I will be able to just concentrate on my treatments as well...which is why I am here!
Well, I love you and I hope everything is good! I am guessing you have my Logie again...give him a big hug for me! I miss you all so much and I can't wait to come home. It looks like I will be here longer still...I don't know when though. I will let you know when I do!
Love Debbie
Today is my 7th day of treatments. I had my sauna first thing this morning. I was able to stay in for 30 minutes, which was pretty good. Trying to sweat out the cheese from the pizza hut we ate last night...it was something we recognized!! Then I had my massages, and now I am getting my Vitamin C iv. I had my shot in the elbow already and I will probably be getting shots in the mouth and neck later. Fun, fun, fun!! We are killing cancer with a vengeance...and I am excited! This is working...I am healing!!
I wound up not going to the dentist...she was not using anesthetic or a plastic dam to remove the metal in our teeth. I didn't think that sounded right and I am not going!! It looks like I will be able to do my dental work at home, which makes me much more comfortable. I will be able to just concentrate on my treatments as well...which is why I am here!
Well, I love you and I hope everything is good! I am guessing you have my Logie again...give him a big hug for me! I miss you all so much and I can't wait to come home. It looks like I will be here longer still...I don't know when though. I will let you know when I do!
Love Debbie
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Shaky massage and stale bread?
Hey! Yes...the wisdom teeth thing sucks! I have decided not to go to the dentist here...at least for today. She drilled out metal fillings in Tommy's teeth yesterday with no novocaine. And they don't use plastic dams in your mouth to keep it out of your throat. I don't think that she is doing it right and Dr. Dowling is not here today so I don't think that I can make the other doc understand what I am trying to say. I am just really scared about having teeth pulled and everything here with a dentist that can't understand what I am talking about. And I have one jawbone cavitation on the bottom left that Dr, Dowling said I could fix after i left in Guayaquil. So I don't see the difference in having it all done at home. Dr. Manuel says its better to do it now, and Dr. Dowling said I could do it after, so I am going to wait until Monday to discuss it with them. I want to do it at home, I know its more expensive, but I am scared! I am calling mom and dad today to see if she make an appt with the doc in Clearwater as soon as possible!!
I wanna come home so bad, but I think that we are going to wind up staying longer anyways. Who knows. I have to do laundry. I have already worn almost everything that I brought with me! Our current argument is whether or not to move back to our old hotel...the new one we moved to sucks! We get eggs that sit on the counter all the time and stale bread for breakfast everyday. It is very interesting.
Tommy has actually been getting treatments. He gets vitamin C ivs, he gotten shots in his mouth and elbows, he does the massage and sauna. The shaky massage is when we lay on a table and put our feet on the massager and it literally shakes them back and forth. It is called a Chi Machine?? I think they are in the states too. It is for circulation probably? Tommy started his dental work yesterday too and he has about 6-8 days of that. He is going back...they told him the vitamin c will counteract any metal he ingests...but I am thinking my vitamin c has enough work to do already!!
Well, to answer your other questions, Dr. Dowling is moving here...or has already. He is not going back to the US, I don't think they would let him out again if he did!! The only website I know of if the www.breastcancercured.com . There are about 4 people I think on Dr. Dowlings protocol here, but lots of others that see the spanish doctor here whose clinic this is. I get treated by both. They are still quite unorganized about the treatments here because they just opened the clinic not too long ago. I just pray that I get the right medicine at the right time and God sends it where it's supposed to go.
I love you all very much! I will try to call you later! Have a good weekend...and thanks again for everything! Love me!
I wanna come home so bad, but I think that we are going to wind up staying longer anyways. Who knows. I have to do laundry. I have already worn almost everything that I brought with me! Our current argument is whether or not to move back to our old hotel...the new one we moved to sucks! We get eggs that sit on the counter all the time and stale bread for breakfast everyday. It is very interesting.
Tommy has actually been getting treatments. He gets vitamin C ivs, he gotten shots in his mouth and elbows, he does the massage and sauna. The shaky massage is when we lay on a table and put our feet on the massager and it literally shakes them back and forth. It is called a Chi Machine?? I think they are in the states too. It is for circulation probably? Tommy started his dental work yesterday too and he has about 6-8 days of that. He is going back...they told him the vitamin c will counteract any metal he ingests...but I am thinking my vitamin c has enough work to do already!!
Well, to answer your other questions, Dr. Dowling is moving here...or has already. He is not going back to the US, I don't think they would let him out again if he did!! The only website I know of if the www.breastcancercured.com . There are about 4 people I think on Dr. Dowlings protocol here, but lots of others that see the spanish doctor here whose clinic this is. I get treated by both. They are still quite unorganized about the treatments here because they just opened the clinic not too long ago. I just pray that I get the right medicine at the right time and God sends it where it's supposed to go.
I love you all very much! I will try to call you later! Have a good weekend...and thanks again for everything! Love me!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Starving Again...
Hey Sista! Well...I finally went to the blogspot and saw everything that you have been doing! Thanks for the embarrassment...Good editing job!
I heard that Dad picked up Logie today and he kept saying "back May May", he did not want to leave, he wanted to stay with his Aunt Maymay...he sounds like he's been having fun. I can't wait to see all of them...I miss them so much. I am sure that it will take about 30 minutes to realize why I like alone time, but I don't care, it's worth it!
Well...we switched hotels yesterday so now we don't have internet service at the new place. We are saving 9 dollars though...big whoop! That was pretty stressful for both of us since we were just getting used to places to eat around the last hotel. Now we are going to starve again! Yesterday I got in the sauna first thing...I was able to stay in for 35 minutes! I was pretty proud of myself. I got my shot in the elbow, and iv drip of something (who knows what!!! Talk about faith...) And then I went to the dentist here to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled! That was super stressful!! I wound up just getting looked at, I am going in tomorrow to get 1 or 2 pulled and then the other 2 another day I think. I am sooooo not excited about this! That is the worst part so far!! I am getting headaches from being stressed, I get no gas for this either!! Ughhh!!
Well, today I am just trying not to think about tomorrow. I had my sauna...only 25 minutes today...still not bad. Lots of massage. Now my Big Vitamin C drip and using these tumor killing machines they have here!! I am killing some cancer! I feel good today, just like yesterday. Still a little out of breath when I go up and down the stairs, but better than before. I am getting better!
I love you all and I can't wait to come home. It's looking like I might be here longer than I originally expected, but I will let you know when I know for sure! Thanks again for everything you have done! I love you! I hope to see you very soon with amazing news!!!
Love Sista!!
I heard that Dad picked up Logie today and he kept saying "back May May", he did not want to leave, he wanted to stay with his Aunt Maymay...he sounds like he's been having fun. I can't wait to see all of them...I miss them so much. I am sure that it will take about 30 minutes to realize why I like alone time, but I don't care, it's worth it!
Well...we switched hotels yesterday so now we don't have internet service at the new place. We are saving 9 dollars though...big whoop! That was pretty stressful for both of us since we were just getting used to places to eat around the last hotel. Now we are going to starve again! Yesterday I got in the sauna first thing...I was able to stay in for 35 minutes! I was pretty proud of myself. I got my shot in the elbow, and iv drip of something (who knows what!!! Talk about faith...) And then I went to the dentist here to get all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled! That was super stressful!! I wound up just getting looked at, I am going in tomorrow to get 1 or 2 pulled and then the other 2 another day I think. I am sooooo not excited about this! That is the worst part so far!! I am getting headaches from being stressed, I get no gas for this either!! Ughhh!!
Well, today I am just trying not to think about tomorrow. I had my sauna...only 25 minutes today...still not bad. Lots of massage. Now my Big Vitamin C drip and using these tumor killing machines they have here!! I am killing some cancer! I feel good today, just like yesterday. Still a little out of breath when I go up and down the stairs, but better than before. I am getting better!
I love you all and I can't wait to come home. It's looking like I might be here longer than I originally expected, but I will let you know when I know for sure! Thanks again for everything you have done! I love you! I hope to see you very soon with amazing news!!!
Love Sista!!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
There is a bright side to all this....
(Note... all posts are emails from Debbie to Mary and edited for your safety... ha ha;)
So I had my third day of treatments today. I had a coffee enema (actually not too bad). And the nurse only speaks spanish so she had to demonstrate!! Nice! Then I had to do that steam bath again, it is so hot it makes me sick almost immediately. I hate that part. More shaky massage. A 5 hour Vitamin C IV, shots in my mouth and in my elbow. Yeah! I don't feel 100%, but I actually do feel better today. Not soooo out of breath from walking, and didn't lay down as soon as I got home! It is working, cancer is dying, I will be healed!!! It is my mantra!!
Dr. Dowling showed me my blood on a screen today...a slide of blood that is supposed to be all red had white spots all in it...he said the white spots are cancer. He said it's bad, but definitley treatable and not too late! I told him at the end of next week we'll do it again and it will be all red!!
I love you all and miss you! I can't wait to get home and have real food from people who understand!! Bright side though...I am wearing some size 8 jeans you gave me! Whoooo-hoooo!!
Buenos Noches mi Hermana!! Love, Debbie
So I had my third day of treatments today. I had a coffee enema (actually not too bad). And the nurse only speaks spanish so she had to demonstrate!! Nice! Then I had to do that steam bath again, it is so hot it makes me sick almost immediately. I hate that part. More shaky massage. A 5 hour Vitamin C IV, shots in my mouth and in my elbow. Yeah! I don't feel 100%, but I actually do feel better today. Not soooo out of breath from walking, and didn't lay down as soon as I got home! It is working, cancer is dying, I will be healed!!! It is my mantra!!
Dr. Dowling showed me my blood on a screen today...a slide of blood that is supposed to be all red had white spots all in it...he said the white spots are cancer. He said it's bad, but definitley treatable and not too late! I told him at the end of next week we'll do it again and it will be all red!!
I love you all and miss you! I can't wait to get home and have real food from people who understand!! Bright side though...I am wearing some size 8 jeans you gave me! Whoooo-hoooo!!
Buenos Noches mi Hermana!! Love, Debbie
Monday, September 7, 2009
No Speakie the Spanish....
I am downloading my video now that you sent me, thanks! How fun...I wish I could have come to your Labor Day family party! I miss real food...and "real people"!
I am doing well I guess. My first day of treatments went as follows...a high dose vitamin c iv, then some sort of massage to circulate it (consisting of running a high speed car buffer across my back), then a delicious vegetarian lunch (it really was good!), then back to the doctor for tiny injections in all of my scars (and I do mean my mastectomy scars, during which crying occured), and then shots directly into my mouth and in my neck for lymph node drainage. The finale was a shot into my elbow! Does that sound fun...well it wasn't!!
Tomorrow I get to have a colonic, sauna, some sort of vapor shower (I hope not the jewish kind), and more shots in mouth and neck!! Then maybe see a dentist for xrays!!
I just watched the video of Logan and Christopher and I'm crying! Thanks! It was so cute...you have no idea how much I miss them already! I guess i really meant it when I said that I would do "anything"!!
Oh...and they want me to stay for 3 weeks instead of 2!! Well, that is all the news! Hopefully Dr. Dowling will be here tomorrow so we will know definitely what we need to do. The doctor here now does not speak any english, so it's been hard to communicate today! We will get it all straightened out and I will let you know!
I love you all so much...thanks for loving my babies! I will talk to you soon!
P.S. Tommy "no speakie the spanish"...and yes, he really did say that to someone today!! Hehe!!
Love, Debbie
I am doing well I guess. My first day of treatments went as follows...a high dose vitamin c iv, then some sort of massage to circulate it (consisting of running a high speed car buffer across my back), then a delicious vegetarian lunch (it really was good!), then back to the doctor for tiny injections in all of my scars (and I do mean my mastectomy scars, during which crying occured), and then shots directly into my mouth and in my neck for lymph node drainage. The finale was a shot into my elbow! Does that sound fun...well it wasn't!!
Tomorrow I get to have a colonic, sauna, some sort of vapor shower (I hope not the jewish kind), and more shots in mouth and neck!! Then maybe see a dentist for xrays!!
I just watched the video of Logan and Christopher and I'm crying! Thanks! It was so cute...you have no idea how much I miss them already! I guess i really meant it when I said that I would do "anything"!!
Oh...and they want me to stay for 3 weeks instead of 2!! Well, that is all the news! Hopefully Dr. Dowling will be here tomorrow so we will know definitely what we need to do. The doctor here now does not speak any english, so it's been hard to communicate today! We will get it all straightened out and I will let you know!
I love you all so much...thanks for loving my babies! I will talk to you soon!
P.S. Tommy "no speakie the spanish"...and yes, he really did say that to someone today!! Hehe!!
Love, Debbie
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Here in Ecuador... finally!
Hey! We are finally here! We got in at 2 am last night! It was crazy! We got a ride to our hotel and Juan told us to stay till he called us this morning. Well, he never called, so we made a command decision to just catch our flight anyway. We wound up running into him at the airport somehow...and he told us where to go when we got here. So, we get to Cuenca, and are checking into the hotel where he told us to go..and three people walk in and ask if I'm Deborah Williams. They found us there...and took us to where we were REALLY supposed to be. We were amazed at how it all worked out...we are definitely meant to be here and are being looked after!
I am going to the clinic at 7 am tomorrow morning for my first day of treatments. No one here speaks any English so we are getting worried about getting food! I think we might starve to death! Everything is closed on Sundays too because everyone is Catholic! Hey...at least I might lose more weight! We are eating the food we hoarded at the airport yesterday...thank God we did that!! Anyway...the weather is awesome and the town is pretty with all the mountains. It is definitely different here!
I will e-mail again to let you know how everything is going! We have wifi in the hotel...so we'll check e-mail when we're here! I love you! talk to you soon!
Love Debbie
I am going to the clinic at 7 am tomorrow morning for my first day of treatments. No one here speaks any English so we are getting worried about getting food! I think we might starve to death! Everything is closed on Sundays too because everyone is Catholic! Hey...at least I might lose more weight! We are eating the food we hoarded at the airport yesterday...thank God we did that!! Anyway...the weather is awesome and the town is pretty with all the mountains. It is definitely different here!
I will e-mail again to let you know how everything is going! We have wifi in the hotel...so we'll check e-mail when we're here! I love you! talk to you soon!
Love Debbie
The Whole (short) Story...

Posted by Mary Russo Holm
For those who don’t know my sister Debbie, she is a beautiful daughter, sister, friend, wife, and mother of three. She has a wonderful husband named Shawn and three gorgeous children; Shawn Jr. (4 yrs.), Logan (22 months) and Noah (9 months). Debbie was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer in January of this year (2008) at the age of 29 while she was 5 months pregnant with her youngest son, Noah. At the time, the doctors encouraged her to abort her pregnancy and receive immediate treatment, including a mastectomy and aggressive treatment with radiation and chemotherapy. Through many tears, anger, prayer, second opinions and spiritual advice, she decided to proceed with a doctor who knew how to treat pregnant women with cancer and deliver her baby. Noah was born only 6 weeks early on April 14, 2008 and is a strong, healthy boy.
Debbie underwent a bilateral (both breasts) mastectomy just over a week after delivering Noah, followed by radiation treatment and then more aggressive chemotherapy that made her body weak. A PT scan following these many weeks of treatment revealed that the cancer had spread to her lungs. She then opted to try an experimental chemotherapy treatment offered in California since none of the therapies endured have succeeded in stopping or even slowing down the growth of the cancer. These weeks of traveling and huge expense to her family did not pay off either.
After trying all that conventional treatments had offered she decided to go for "alternative" treatments and see an acupuncturist, this too beared no positive fruit as her last PT scan revealed the cancer was now in both lungs, a rib bone, under her sternum and in her throat.
A friend of the family had shared a story with us about her step mother who was cured of bone cancer by a procedure called bioablation (where they direct radio waves directly into the tumor and break it up and destroy it for good) and how she went to the North Carolina Institute of Technology. Debbie has since visited there where they take Thermal Images of the body to see "hot" spots that indicate issues with the body. This perfectly safe and perfectly painless procedure (with no loss of dignity) can detect a cancer 10 years earlier than the conventional method of "detecting" cancer by mammography... (had we only known this sooner!) So, long story short, Debbie is currently in Equador where they can practice freedom of medicine and she is receiving treatments that have worked on people in the same dire situations with cancer to start the healing process! YEAH!... Please pray for Debbie and these people the next two weeks!
Even while carrying this great cross with which the Lord has entrusted Debbie, it should be said that she is an unwavering pillar of great faith. She has thought and fought from the very beginning with an attitude of victory over this cancer and has continued to love and encourage her family and friends. She is a true inspiration as a woman, wife, mother, and friend.
Please remember her and her family in your prayers to our Lord for her complete healing so that she may live to see her children and her grandchildren grow. May God Bless YOU and YOUR FAMILY!
For those who don’t know my sister Debbie, she is a beautiful daughter, sister, friend, wife, and mother of three. She has a wonderful husband named Shawn and three gorgeous children; Shawn Jr. (4 yrs.), Logan (22 months) and Noah (9 months). Debbie was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer in January of this year (2008) at the age of 29 while she was 5 months pregnant with her youngest son, Noah. At the time, the doctors encouraged her to abort her pregnancy and receive immediate treatment, including a mastectomy and aggressive treatment with radiation and chemotherapy. Through many tears, anger, prayer, second opinions and spiritual advice, she decided to proceed with a doctor who knew how to treat pregnant women with cancer and deliver her baby. Noah was born only 6 weeks early on April 14, 2008 and is a strong, healthy boy.
Debbie underwent a bilateral (both breasts) mastectomy just over a week after delivering Noah, followed by radiation treatment and then more aggressive chemotherapy that made her body weak. A PT scan following these many weeks of treatment revealed that the cancer had spread to her lungs. She then opted to try an experimental chemotherapy treatment offered in California since none of the therapies endured have succeeded in stopping or even slowing down the growth of the cancer. These weeks of traveling and huge expense to her family did not pay off either.
After trying all that conventional treatments had offered she decided to go for "alternative" treatments and see an acupuncturist, this too beared no positive fruit as her last PT scan revealed the cancer was now in both lungs, a rib bone, under her sternum and in her throat.
A friend of the family had shared a story with us about her step mother who was cured of bone cancer by a procedure called bioablation (where they direct radio waves directly into the tumor and break it up and destroy it for good) and how she went to the North Carolina Institute of Technology. Debbie has since visited there where they take Thermal Images of the body to see "hot" spots that indicate issues with the body. This perfectly safe and perfectly painless procedure (with no loss of dignity) can detect a cancer 10 years earlier than the conventional method of "detecting" cancer by mammography... (had we only known this sooner!) So, long story short, Debbie is currently in Equador where they can practice freedom of medicine and she is receiving treatments that have worked on people in the same dire situations with cancer to start the healing process! YEAH!... Please pray for Debbie and these people the next two weeks!
Even while carrying this great cross with which the Lord has entrusted Debbie, it should be said that she is an unwavering pillar of great faith. She has thought and fought from the very beginning with an attitude of victory over this cancer and has continued to love and encourage her family and friends. She is a true inspiration as a woman, wife, mother, and friend.
Please remember her and her family in your prayers to our Lord for her complete healing so that she may live to see her children and her grandchildren grow. May God Bless YOU and YOUR FAMILY!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Ecuador, here I come...
I wanted to start a blog to keep everyone updated on what I am doing lately! Lots of you have asked how I am...so I thought I'd get this out there! The answer is, I am good!! I do feel pretty good with all things considered...and I really can't complain since I am here enjoying my family and my life!! Little Shawn just started kindergarten and loves it! It gives me some extra time during the day to cuddle up my little ones, so we are all enjoying our new schedule. Life is so good!
I am leaving this weekend to go to Ecuador. There is a treatment facility there that offers some cancer treatments that are not available in the United States. I will be gone for two weeks...and although I am not looking forward to being away for that long, I am very optimistic about these new treatments. I am so very ready for this to be it! Please, please pray very hard for me during this time that my cancer is completely healed! I never, ever give up hope that this will happen someday...I am just ready for that day to be here!
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